> Performance enhancer is a second generation of cement additives.
> More and more companies now prefer to use performance enhancers to improve cement quality and reduce clinker consumption.
> Improve mill efficiency.
> Improve particle size distribution.
> Adjust setting time, water demand of normal consistency.
> Improve fluidity and concrete water reducer adaptability.
> Improve bleeding rate.
> Improve pack set index (flowability).
> Reduce recirculation load.
> Reduce blockages in diaphragms and grinds.
> Reduce equipment wear and tear.
> Reduce silo outlet blockages and caking.
> Reduce CO2 emission through clinker replacement.

Benefits to Cement Manufacturers
> Increase mill output by 6%~20%.
> Reduce energy cost per unit of cement.
> Reduce equipment maintenance cost.
> Improve cement transportation efficiency.
> Improve cement quality by solving the following:
> Low quality clinkers
> New requirements from customers and market
> Improved plant profitability by producing cement with lower clinker content by adding cheap composites such as fly ash, slag, and limestone, but without cement strength drop.
> Increase early strength by 5%~20%, and/or late strength by 5%~20%, so that cement grade can be advanced.